Bebe absolutely loves her toys. While toys comfort her, and she
definitely has a ball fetish !The best ball for Bebe is one that I found at Petsmart. It has lasted almost a year, and there is no sign of needing a replacement anytime soon ! All for 99 cents ! She loves it. It's light, so she can run super fast and it squeaks...which she loves. She will chase just about anything...even a soccer ball. However, tennis balls seemed too heavy for her, although she will retrieve them. It just not as much fun. It's called "ToyShoppe® Vinyl Marbelized Balls " 99 cents at
My trip to Petsmart last week really was a hit ! She drags her fleece dog with the long tail everywhere! (Fleecedog) Thankfully she has been unable to shred it like all her others ! So, I'm extremely happy that it is well made ! I don't mind spending $5 on a toy as long as it lasts more than 24 hours. It seemed that every time I made a Walmart trip, I came home with a toy that lasted only 1 day, and that was getting old. I almost gave up buying plush toys because she would go through them so fast, but I also know she thinks of them as her babies, so I gave it one last try and went to Petsmart. Yahoo ! Thank You Petsmart. ** PLEASE READ UPDATE!toyupdate
I just turned around from my desk as I type, and look who's behind me sleeping...with her 'baby' as a pillow of course !
The other toy Bebe loves is the Beanie Bones (BeanieBones)from The Bow Wow Beanies Collection ( same people as Beanie Babies). I was hesitant to buy it, worried it might not be able to survive more than a day, but Bebe loves this bone, and again, she has been unable to shred it to pieces ! It's plush, so she can use it as a pillow also !