Thursday, June 18, 2009

Zoom-Bebe !

Hooray, summer is finally here !
Bebe is still zipping around the house !

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The ONLY hide for Bebe

Bebe's bald spot is gone !

Bebe used to lick and chew on her backside until she had a huge bald spot on her hip. I couldn't figure out why she was doing this. At one of her vet check up appointments, the vet said it was not ring worm or any skin condition.

I did some research, and came to the conclusion that she must be itchy, so maybe she was eating something that she was allergic to.

By accident, I figured it out !

I bought her these at PetSmart. Pork and beef hides by SALIX. She loves these and dances around like crazy when she wants one.

Ever since I stopped giving her Hartz Dentists Best 5" twists, she stopped chewing on herself ! So, she must have been allergic to them !